Anchored: To Grow

Anchored:In Love

This Sunday’s message, Pastors Nate and Miel shared that if we are not anchored in God’s word, we will drift from who God has designed us to be. In a world that is so easily swayed, pushed, canceled and lost we must be anchored by the love of God. That is why we say, “LOVE […]

Anchored: Grace Grace

Anchored: Grace Grace

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Miel taught us how God’s grace saves us and enables us. The key is we must be anchored in Christ. How? By putting our faith in Him. When we have faith in Him, we are anchored in His grace which make the impossible, possible. She shared a powerful story in Zachariah […]

Anchored: Grace Grace

Anchored: Christ is my Anchor

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Nate shared that unity is God’s design for His Church. In the book of Ephesians, chapter 2, Paul reveals that Jews and Gentiles are now one in Christ. This is great news! Jesus has made a way for all of us to become part of the family of God. The challenge […]

Anchored: Grace Grace

Vision Sunday

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Nate helped us see that being a Christian has a very important mission that many people who are Christians lose sight of. The last command Jesus gave to the disciples was “go and make disciples.” If this is important to Jesus, then it is important to us. At Portland Christian Center, […]

Anchored: Anchored in God’s Divine Design

Anchored: Anchored in God’s Divine Design

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Nate taught us that God had a dream and plan for you long before you were born. Many people have struggled to discover what they were made to do because they have started by looking in the wrong place. They start by looking at their feelings. Feelings are important, but our […]