Anchored: Trust The Anchor

Anchored: Trust The Anchor

Have you ever had someone point to an object or person that is at a distance and you just couldn’t see what they were pointing at? It is so frustrating to have something in front of you, but you just can’t find it. For many people, following God can be a lot like that. There […]

Christmas Day Family Service

Christmas Day Family Service

Welcome to Portland Christian Center’s Christmas Day Family Service! Include this online experience as part of your Christmas festivities, as we reflect on the outrageous love of God, given through His Son, Jesus. Featuring special Christmas worship moments and a brief message from Pastors Nate and Miel Lindseth.

Christmas Day Family Service

OutrageoUS Christmas: Outrageous Pursuit

One of the most incredible truths about our Heavenly Father is that He is pursuing us. He loves us so much that He gave His Son. The problem is, so many Christians still think they are the ones pursuing God. It’s not that we shouldn’t draw near to Him. We absolutely should. The problem is, […]

Christmas Day Family Service

OutrageoUS Christmas: Peace

This Christmas, there is one gift that nearly everyone hopes they will experience, PEACE. This is a central message of the Bible. The word peace is used over 325 times throughout the Scriptures and is a key theme of the Christmas story. One of the prophetic lines used 700 years before the first Christmas is […]

OutrageoUS Christmas:God With Us

This Christmas, we can experience the outrageous love of God given to us through the miraculous birth of Jesus. Why outrageous? Outrageous because of the virgin birth, the wise men coming from the east following a star, hundreds of year-old prophecies fulfilled, and…Emmanuel (God with us). All other religions claim we must earn our way […]