GeneroUS: Generosity is an Act of Worship

GeneroUS: Generosity is an Act of Worship

In today’s message Pastor Nate talks about how the Holy Spirit will empower us to grow in generosity. This is one of the more overlooked roles the Holy Spirit has in the life of a believer. Most Christians can repeat the fruit of the Spirit, they can list some of the gifts of the Spirit, […]

GeneroUS: Generosity is an Act of Worship

GeneroUS: Issue of Heart

In Matthew 6:19–33 Jesus tells us to not store up treasures on earth because it is temporary. He tells us to store up treasures in heaven because it cannot be destroyed or taken away. Your heart will be found in what you treasure and this passage makes it clear that we cannot serve both God […]

GeneroUS: Generosity is an Act of Worship

GeneroUS: He is First

In Acts chapter 2 we see the birth of the Church. People who responded to the Gospel and gave their lives to Jesus came together to become the body of Christ. One of the most stunning attributes of the early Church was how they joined together. They ate together, prayed together, worshipped together, and lived […]

Speak Life: Words Impact Direction

Speak Life: Words Impact Direction

In this series, we have defined speaking life as aligning our words with God’s Word. In this message, Pastor Nate talked about our words being so powerful that they actually determine the direction of our lives. The Children of Israel sent twelve spies into the promised land. There were ten who said they could not […]

Speak Life: Words Impact Direction

Speak Life: Speaking Life Generationally

We have all said words that we regret. We wish we could go back and just not say anything at all. The problem is, we can’t. So how can we move forward? We must recognize that the words we speak are revealing the condition of our heart. They reveal what we believe and whom we […]

Speak Life: Words Impact Direction

Speak Life: Did God Really Say?

We have all said words that we regret. We wish we could go back and just not say anything at all. The problem is, we can’t. So how can we move forward? We must recognize that the words we speak are revealing the condition of our heart. They reveal what we believe and whom we […]