Moving Forward: Worship

Moving Forward: Worship

In John 4, Jesus is talking to a Samaritan woman. This was seen as improper for two big reasons. Jews don’t talk with Samaritans and a Rabbi would not be alone talking with a woman. Yet Jesus shows His love for this woman and for all of us by revealing what true worship looks like. […]

Moving Forward: Worship

Moving Forward: Freedom

We were designed to live in freedom. Jesus died and rose again to set us free. In the scripture this week we read about a woman who was set free by Jesus. With all of this freedom available to her and to us in Jesus, why do so many believers struggle with staying free? How […]

Moving Forward: Worship

Moving Forward: Generosity

One of our greatest challenges is learning to trust God with our generosity. Even though we know it all belongs to Him, there are still parts of our heart that must be softened to the idea that we can be generous with no strings attached. We are generous because He is generous and He is […]

Moving Forward: Worship

Moving Forward:Generations

This week’s message taught us the value of every generation. We believe people are the prize, but honoring and investing in every generation can be challenging. With different perspectives, priorities and experiences. It takes the love of God and intentionality to reach every generation with His love. At PCC, we will partner with the Holy […]