Moving Forward: Presence

Moving Forward: Presence

This Sunday’s message taught us that as we move forward, many essential items must be considered in order to be successful. However, we learn from Moses that there is one essential component that we will refuse to go on without.

Living Love

Living Love

Pastor Nate finished his series of talks with living love. He has taught on living hope, living faith and finished with living love. As believers, it is critical to understand that we serve a living God who empowers us to have hope, faith and love that is alive and powerful inside of us. In today’s […]

Living Faith

Living Faith

All believers are designed to have living faith. How? We serve a living God. The more we focus on who He is and what He said he would do the more our faith comes alive. Yet, many believers struggle with faith. Today we find encouragement from an unlikely person in scripture… a Roman Centurion who […]

Stronger: In Prayer

Stronger: In Prayer

One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is prayer. It is truly a privilege for every believer. James closes out his practical and powerful book by talking about the practice and promises of prayer. It is helpful to read and apply the guidance that James gives.  

For The Cause Of Christ

For The Cause Of Christ

Being born, living, and dying for “the Cause” is what we will discover together as we base our understanding on the Word of God. “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” Romans 11:36

Stronger: In Prayer

Stronger: In Words

Our words are powerful. They have the ability to heal or destroy. God’s word gives us clear instructions of the importance of managing our words and harnessing our tongues. Think of how many families are fractured, churches are split and countries divided by some misfired words. Scripture gives us great wisdom on how to transform […]