Pastors Nate reveals that in Romans 9 God is sovereign. This means that He is a supreme ruler, He is in control, and He has a plan. The difficult part for Christians can be to trust His plan when things don’t make sense, when we experience pain, evil, and disappointment. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians that we see only in part… in other words, we don’t have the full picture, we are human. In Romans 9 we are reminded He is the Potter and we are the clay. Therefore, not only should we accept His plan and design, but be grateful for the gift of His love, grace, purpose, and salvation for all who respond to the Gospel. When we receive His plan with thanksgiving, our hearts change, we began to imitate God by loving others well… even when they sin. We love the person, but hate the sin. God’s heart for people becomes our heart.