Essentials of faith and ministry life.

Starting Point is your next step to connect into the life of Portland Christian Center.

Step One: Essentials Class

This 9:30 AM class is for those new to PCC and/or faith in Jesus. We will share PCC’s history, core values, and the essentials of your faith in Jesus.

Sunday, November 10th


Step One: Essentials Class

This 9:30 AM class is for those new to PCC and/or faith in Jesus. We will share PCC’s history, core values, and the essentials of your faith in Jesus.

Sunday, November 10th


Step 2: Discover Class

This 9:30 AM class helps you discover your spiritual gifts and how to be a vital part of the family at PCC. Learn where you can connect and meet others…because we are better together!

Sunday, November 17th

Water Baptism

Sunday, November 3rd

We believe that water baptism is an outward sign of an inward transformation. If you want to take that next step of obedience in your walk with Jesus by being water-baptized, we would love to celebrate that with you!


Next Step: Water Baptism

Sunday, November 3rd

We believe that water baptism is an outward sign of an inward transformation. If you want to take that next step of obedience in your walk with Jesus by being water-baptized, we would love to celebrate that with you!


Membership Class

This class is for all who would like to become members of Portland Christian Center.

To Be Announced

Connect with us on Sundays for your Starting Point.