Celebrating and making meaningful memories is our intention with each opportunity as we gather together this holiday season.
We are focused on loving God, presenting hope, and developing people here at Portland Christian Center, and invite you to join us as we celebrate our Savior this Christmas!
Sunday, December 17 at 10:30 AM
Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year and one of the highlights of the season will feature our children! Join us as we hear a special Christmas musical presentation from our Tiny Tunes and Kids Praise Company children’s choirs. This enjoyable celebration of the holiday season will be during our morning gathering at 10:30 AM in-person or online at pcctoday.com.
Saturday, December 23 at 5:00 PM
In-person (Childcare available for five years and younger)
Sunday, December 24 at 10:30 AM
In-person and Online (Childcare available for five years and younger)
The Wonder of Christmas: The word wonder is defined as a cause of astonishment, admiration, or marvel. As we focus on Jesus this Christmas, we will be filled with wonder. When we focus on him our hearts are filled with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love because that is what Jesus offers to all who trust him.
This holiday season, we will recapture the wonder of Christmas as we focus our attention on Jesus. He fills our hearts with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love because that is what Jesus offers to all who trust in him. (Childcare available.)
December 3: The Wonder of Hope
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 10: The Wonder of Peace
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 17: The Wonder of Joy
With special music by Kids Praise Company
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 23 at 5:00 PM
In-person (Childcare available for five years and younger)
December 24 at 10:30 AM
In-person and Online (Childcare available for five years and younger)
This holiday season, we will recapture the wonder of Christmas as we focus our attention on Jesus. He fills our hearts with Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love because that is what Jesus offers to all who trust in him. (Childcare available.)
December 3: The Wonder of Hope
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 10: The Wonder of Peace
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 17: The Wonder of Joy
With special music by Kids Praise Company
Sunday at 10:30 AM | In-person and Online
December 23 at 5:00 PM
In-person (Childcare available for five years and younger)
December 24 at 10:30 AM
In-person and Online (Childcare available for five years and younger)
Portland Christian Center, you are so generous!
Thank you for partnering together to love God, and present hope to our city and around the world!
Through our annual Christmas benevolence, due to the generosity of our church giving, we are able to help 16 families with groceries this season. Praise God for His continued generosity to us so we can be a blessing to others!
You partnered with The Salvation Army and donated many warm, winter coats that are being distributed each week to those living on Portland’s streets. We will be collecting coats through the month of December at the HUB on Sunday mornings.
Our PCC Faithbuilders discipleship class purchased gifts and filled 54 boxes for Operation Christmas Child for global distribution to children in need.
Many of you chose to be a blessing through Royal Family Kids and provided toys for kids in the local foster care system and donated food for their families.
Thank you again for your support in giving generously during the holiday season!
Saturday, December 23 | 5:00 PM | In-Person
Sunday, December 24 | 10:30 AM | In-Person & Online
Office Holiday Schedule
Closed: Friday, December 22 – Monday, January 1