Hope: True Hope Is Found Only In Jesus

Hope: True Hope Is Found Only In Jesus

…hope, but in all the wrong places. Sunday’s message reminds us that if we are not looking for hope in Jesus, we are simply looking in the wrong place and true hope will not, and cannot be, found. However, the good news is, Jesus has come and revealed Himself to be the Savior He promised to be. He is where true hope resides! Portland Christian Center Hope: True Hope Is Found Only In Jesus Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode…

Anchored: Submit Out of Reverence for Christ

Anchored: Submit Out of Reverence for Christ

In Sunday’s message Pastor Nate talks about the importance and power of relationships led by the Holy Spirit. Relationships are meant to bring joy, connection and growth but they also take intentionality to be healthy. Paul talks about one of the key ingredients to a healthy relationship is submission. In our culture, submission sounds like control and limitation. However, Paul explains that when we submit to Christ first and then mutually submit to one another we are actually empowered to…

The Blessed Life part 5 | Am I Generous?

The Blessed Life part 5 | Am I Generous?

Today’s lesson asks the question, “Am I Generous?” Generosity stems from gratitude, the gratitude to God for what He has done. He has given us new life and a new beginning. We are born selfish, but we can be BORN AGAIN, GENEROUS!   Portland Christian Center The Blessed Life part 5 | Am I Generous? Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 00:49:16 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download…

It’s All About The Heart | The Blessed Life, Part 1

It’s All About The Heart | The Blessed Life, Part 1

Today, Pastor Nate began a new series based on Pastor Robert Morris’ book, The Blessed Life. We learned that God’s design for us is to give, so that we can give. God’s desire for all of us is to learn to be givers in every area of our lives. How do we know that? John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave…” In order to become a giver, we don’t start with our jobs, we don’t start…

Build To Last, Part 2

Build To Last, Part 2

Portland Christian Center Build To Last, Part 2 Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 00:24:45 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 00:24:45 | Recorded on January 14, 2024…