Exciting things happen when you grow in your relationship with Jesus and connect with others!

Faith Builders
Faith Builders is a discipleship class for adults of all ages. Come make new friends, find encouragement and support, experience a variety of study topics, guest speakers, service projects, sharing, and praying…and we have fun too! Most importantly, Faith Builders is a place to grow deeper in God’s Word and mature your Christian faith.

PCC Couples
A learning hour for engaged or married young couples who want to grow in their relationship with each other and with Jesus. Join this enriching class and build friendships with other couples while learning practical ways to honor God’s plan for your own relationship.
Young Adults
We are a community of young adults (18–29) that seek to make a difference by faithfully serving God’s purposes. This is a place to connect, grow deep in faith, and engage in community with each other. Join us every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM and also at our weekly events listed below. For more information on upcoming get togethers and outreach opportunities, please contact Pastor Rick at
Pastor Rick Bernheisel
Young Adult Calendar
We are a community group of single adults in their 30s and 40s who are committed to growing in Christ and growing together. We do this by studying God’s Word and applying it through practical means, including small groups, service projects, accountability, and serving the needs of each other. Our group is also committed to having fun! There are many game nights, impromptu and scheduled events throughout the year to get to know each other! We strive to provide a safe environment where we are loved and challenged to grow equally, using both truth and grace. We want you to know that being single does not exclude you from thriving and fulfilling God’s call on your life.
Singles Calendar
Portland Men exists to empower and motivate men to live out God’s view of manhood and be the best leaders, husbands, and fathers God has called them to be. Our weekly groups and events provide men with resources to develop Godly character and equip them to influence their world for Jesus Christ.
Mens Calendar
Sisterhood is a beautiful, multifaceted group of women from different backgrounds and seasons of life. As women who understand that we are magnificently designed on purpose by our Creator and that connected and united as one, we are stronger and shine brighter…revealing the light of heaven in our homes, communities, and the world! It is our desire to bridge women to Christ through weekly groups and events by studying God’s Word together and equipping women to use the gifts and talents God has given them.
Sisterhood Calendar
Senior Adults
We are a vibrant community of 65+ Senior Adults led by Ron & Debbie Stokes. The leadership team works to help the Seniors of Portland Christian Center grow as disciples, connect relationally and enjoy life together. This ministry includes shut-in care as well as Legacy Services.
Senior Adults Calendar
Taking the whole gospel to the whole world!
God is always working to extend the whole gospel to all people and all places. Graciously, He has allowed Portland Christian Center to participate with Him in this mission. And now we are expanding our reach into new areas around the world and providing new ways for the Portland Christian Center family to get involved.
Legacy Ministries
Legacy Ministries serves to assist Senior Adults with complimentary life management and financial services including, but not limited to, estate planning, managing day to day financial decisions, arranging transition to Senior Adults Living Facilities, recommending legal and accounting and investment professionals. The goal is to provide Senior Adults with the opportunity to “leave a legacy” for future generations.
Services Provided Pro Bono:
- Personal Financial Management for Senior Adults
- Life Management for Senior Adults
- Financial Coaching for All-Ages — Limited to (2) one-hour sessions
- Estate Planning Seminars
- Referral Service for Legal, Accounting, and Investment Professionals
Personal Financial Management for Senior Adults
Life Management for Senior Adults
Estate Planning Seminars
Referral Service for Legal, Accounting, and Investment Professionals
If you have questions or needs in this regard contact Ron Stokes at
Japanese Fellowship Church
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Experiencing the love and grace of God in Japanese! Join Pastor Hiro Noda and the Japanese Fellowship Church at Portland Christian Center for an all-Japanese worship service! Japanese Fellowship Church welcomes anyone who knows Japanese or is interested in Japanese worship and Bible experience. Our children and youth integrate into our services and are also welcome at any of the ministries at Portland Christian Center.