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PT4: The Renewing Of Our Minds Is The Key To Knowing God’s Will

PT4: The Renewing Of Our Minds Is The Key To Knowing God’s Will

The message of Romans 12 cannot be fully understood without first realizing the Apostle Paul’s goal for the letter. Chapters 1-11 are written addressing the significant tensions between the diverse groups that are part of the early church. Paul’s bottom line is to get diverse groups of people to be a community that represents Jesus […]

Welcome Home: Instruction, Looking Inward

Welcome Home: Instruction, Looking Inward

Today, special guest Dr Byron Klaus shares a message in the Welcome Home series titled, “Instruction” The Bible speaks of eternal matters and reveals the redemptive purpose of God. Paul tells Timothy that Scriptures is to make us wise for salvation through Jesus Christ. The Bible is the primary text for the Church and is […]