Anchored: For More

Anchored: For More

In Sunday’s message Pastor Nate talks about how being anchored in Christ does not limit us, but actually allows us to embrace more for our lives. The question becomes, more of, “what?” In our culture, people are always striving for more… more money, more recognition, more of a car, more of a house, more fun, […]

Anchored: For More

Anchored: Anchored in Christ Produces Abundant Life

In our series on being anchored we have been using the metaphor of rock climbing to help us understand that having an anchor actually allows us to go higher than we could go on our own. Just as a rock climber will use a carabiner to secure to an anchor, as Christians we must be […]

Anchored: Christ is my Anchor

Anchored: Christ is my Anchor

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Nate shared that unity is God’s design for His Church. In the book of Ephesians, chapter 2, Paul reveals that Jews and Gentiles are now one in Christ. This is great news! Jesus has made a way for all of us to become part of the family of God. The challenge […]

Anchored: Christ is my Anchor

Vision Sunday

This Sunday’s message, Pastor Nate helped us see that being a Christian has a very important mission that many people who are Christians lose sight of. The last command Jesus gave to the disciples was “go and make disciples.” If this is important to Jesus, then it is important to us. At Portland Christian Center, […]