Cultivate Peace

Cultivate Peace

The Fruit of the Spirit is, in essence, the character of Jesus cultivated in our character. In this message, we will explore the third facet of that fruit—peace. Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace. That is what distinguished him. But the question is, does that distinguish you in your inner life, your relationships, […]

Cultivate Peace

Cultivate Love

How do you know if you’re growing as Jesus’ disciple? Is it seen in how hard you try or how involved you get or in how spiritually gifted you are? No! The truest measuring stick is the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) That’s the […]

Practice Community

Practice Community

God created us for community. But how do we practice community as we endure the relational restrictions of Covid-19? In Colossians 3:11-15, the Apostle Paul gives us a way that will work whether we are enjoying in-person worship or practicing social distancing from one another: by living out the radical grace of unconditional forgiveness toward […]

Practice Community

Practice Faith

Whoever said it was absolutely right: “A faith that hasn’t been tested is a faith that can’t be trusted.” And since your faith is the most important thing you possess this side of heaven, God will graciously arrange for it to be tested. What is a test of faith? It is any circumstance that causes […]

Practice Community

Practice Prayer—Ask Bigly, Expect Bigly

The Bible tells a very short story in just two verses hidden inside a mind-numbing genealogy about an obscure man, Jabez, who audaciously cried out to God for help to rise above his pain. And God granted his request. Why was this ancient story included in Scripture? Simply this: To let you know that if […]