Practice Hope | Part 3

Practice Hope | Part 3

C.S. Lewis said, “We delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment … If it were possible to give our delight for God perfect expression, our soul would be in supreme blessedness.” Well, that is possible! God created us for that. We were created to worship God […]

Practice Hope | Part 3

Hope: The Great Activator

Christians are called to practice hope, or as the Apostle Paul says, to “put on the hope of salvation as a helmet.” To do that, we have to see hope as more practical than passive, as an everyday discipline that produces kingdom life within us. Hope is more verb than noun, more action than idea; […]

Practice Hope

Practice Hope

Nothing is as important to our walk of faith than the practice of hope. “Put your hope in God,” the Psalmist said in the midst of hope-draining circumstances. “Put on hope,” said the Apostle Paul, to teach believers that hope is not a passive idea, but an intentional action. This is an especially relevant truth […]

Altar of Remembrance

Altar of Remembrance

As Jesus was about to go into his final battle, knowing that his life would be sacrificed, he uttered these moving words we reread each time we come to the Lord’s Table to celebrate Holy Communion: “This is my body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me. This cup is the […]

Altar of Remembrance

Knowing the God Who Wants to be Known

Do you desire to have the kind of relationship with God where he, himself, calls you his friend? Is that even possible for a human being? It was for Moses. The Bible tells us that “God would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” But it wasn’t just God […]