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Child Dedications

Child Dedications

Everything you need to know about Child Dedications at Portland Christian Center is listed below. We see children as a gift from God and take time during our Sunday services to honor your family and dedicate your child to the Lord.

Please review the information below and register to be included in our next child dedication service! You can submit any further questions to Madison Craft at mcraft@pcctoday.com.

What to Know About Dedications

Q: Why should we dedicate our children?
Q: Is dedicating our children considered the same as salvation or baptism?
Q: How do we include our family in this important act of our faith?
Q: What happens on the Sunday my child is to be dedicated?

Q:  Why should we dedicate our children to God?

A:  Because children belong to God, it is only proper and appropriate that children be dedicated back to God.

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him.” – Psalm 127:3

As Christians, we are called to recognize that children belong first and foremost to God and are given by grace as gifts to parents.  Parents not only have the awesome responsibility of caring for this gift but also the wonderful privilege of enjoying the gift.

The dedication of children is taught in the Bible.
We are told in I Samuel 1 that Hannah presented her son Samuel to the Lord.  In Luke 2:22 we read that Mary and Joseph brought their baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem in order to present him before the Lord.  In the same way, parents today bring their son or daughter, presenting first themselves and then their child before the Lord our God.

Q:  Is dedicating our children considered the same as baptism or salvation?

A:  The dedication of your children is not a baptism, nor a sacrament of the church. Rather you, as the parents entrusted by God, are demonstrating a commitment to Him.  You are committing and seeking to do everything that is in your power, as God gives you wisdom, to see that your children grow up to respect and honor God and to love and serve Jesus Christ. This “setting apart” is an act, by you the parents,  a powerful declaration of your acknowledgment of your stewardship over God’s children.

Dedicating your children to God is not the salvation of your children, but a public expression of the fact they belong to God. It is also viewed as a confirmation between you and the church to partner in raising your children in a godly way until they are old enough to make their own decision in accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Q:  How do we include our family in this important act of our faith?

A: First, download the Child Dedication Form. It is a fillable pdf form. Once you complete the application please email it to Madison Craft at mcraft@pcctoday.com or mail it to Portland Christian Center 5700 SW Dosch Road Portland, OR 97239  Attention: Baby Dedication.  Applications must be received 2 weeks before the dedication date to allow time to prepare your certificate, research your child’s name, and attend the information class.

Second, you will be contacted by email or telephone to confirm the receipt of your information and confirm the date of your child’s dedication.

Third, after the date has been confirmed, please contact family and friends and invite them to the service. We recommend the entire family be involved in the ceremony.  This would include all of the siblings, grandparents, and godparents!

A pastor will meet with you before the service on the Sunday of the dedication to go over your information and speak to you about the name of your child.  She will offer you a detailed description of what will happen during the service.  We would also request you supply a photograph of your child (or a family picture) to be shown to the congregation when your child is dedicated.

***Please email your baby’s photograph to Madison Craft the week before attending the class. The photograph will be used in the service during your child’s dedication.

Q:  What happens on the Sunday my child is to be dedicated?

A: On the Sunday of your dedication:

Typically Child Dedications are held at the start of the services. You and your family should arrive 15 minutes before the service and join us in the Family Room. All families will walk up to the platform after the first song is performed. After the Dedication portion is complete families are invited to enjoy the remainder of the service.

Be prepared to make this a very special day in the lives of your family!