Guest Speaker: Dr. David Thomas
Join us as Dr. David Thomas gives a message about the Lord’s hand on our future.
Join us as Dr. David Thomas gives a message about the Lord’s hand on our future.
Patience is the most difficult of the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit to cultivate. Nevertheless, since God saw fit to have it listed among these spiritual virtues, obviously he expects us to master it. Why is our patience so important to God? Because God’s main concern is the development of our character, not our personal […]
The Fruit of the Spirit is, in essence, the character of Jesus cultivated in our character. In this message, we will explore the third facet of that fruit—peace. Jesus was known as the Prince of Peace. That is what distinguished him. But the question is, does that distinguish you in your inner life, your relationships, […]
As Christ followers, we are called to live a life led by God’s Holy Spirit. When we do, the evidence of that living is displayed as fruit in our lives. One such fruit is the idea of joy. Joy is a God given peace, gladness and sufficiency that is not affected by outward circumstances. Join […]
How do you know if you’re growing as Jesus’ disciple? Is it seen in how hard you try or how involved you get or in how spiritually gifted you are? No! The truest measuring stick is the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) That’s the […]