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The Blessing of a Beatdown

The Blessing of a Beatdown

The beatitudes are really a constitutional document…rather than a bill of rights however, they are a bill of responsibilities, and a bill of rewards. They teach us to live as God wants us to live. This Sunday we conclude our series on the beatitudes by examining what it means to be blessed when you are […]

The Blessing of a Beatdown

Doing God’s Work

Far too many Christians act like they’ve been called to live as an elite corps of the spiritually arrived who must now insulate themselves from the world. Make no mistake: that’s not God’s calling. Rather, they’ve been cleansed and commissioned to carry the gospel of peace to the world. Acts 10:36 says, “The message of […]

Heaven on Earth: Practice Being God

Heaven on Earth: Practice Being God

In the fifth beatitude, Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” As we become conduits of God’s mercy, we literally “practice being God.” That is an apt description for what mercy is, and how mercy acts. To be merciful means to have the same disposition that God has toward people: […]

The Blessing of a Beatdown

So Hungry So Full

The greatest barrier to fully partaking of Christ’s righteousness in thought, word, deed and character is our failure to desire it enough and our unwillingness to pay any price to attain it. We are far too easily satisfied! And yet, we are never truly satisfied. But Jesus said when we hunger and third for his […]

Heaven on Earth: Practice Being God

The Mighty Meek

Join us today for a look at meekness, our strength under God’s control. Jesus teaches us that meekness is not weakness, rather, it is a humble strength that God can use to advance His Kingdom and bless the lives of others around you.