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This Sunday’s message, Pastors Nate and Miel shared that if we are not anchored in God’s word, we will drift from who God has designed us to be. In a world that is so easily swayed, pushed, canceled and lost we must be anchored by the love of God. That is why we say, “LOVE GOD,” in our vision statement. Without love, 1 Corinthians 13 tells me, we are nothing! This is why our hearts must be anchored by God’s love to live a healthy and flourishing life.

Ephesians is a book written by the Apostle Paul to a Church he helped start in Ephesus. This Church is new, it had a great start, but Paul writes from prison to remind them to not lose heart. In other words, you must be anchored. Anchored by what? The love of God. The more we remember, trust and rely on God’s love the stronger our anchor will be in Him.

Portland Christian Center
Portland Christian Center
Anchored:In Love