Media Use Policy

Some persons may choose not to have their photo, or photos of their children, used and we respect their wishes. Therefore, we are providing this Media Opt-Out form for individuals who prefer NOT to have photographs of themselves used by the church. This form needs to be completed for each individual wishing to opt out. Please read our Media Policy below for any questions or contact us

Fill Out The Media Opt-Out Form


Sharing photos and videos of persons and events at Portland Christian Center is a privilege for us, and we intend to respect and honor it.

In this digital age, the church takes many pictures of baptisms, choir performances and concerts, worship services, mission trips, special presentations, Sunday School, fellowship activities and community outreach projects. We use these pictures to record, to promote, and to celebrate our church ministries. Pictures are used on bulletin boards, in slide shows and PowerPoint/Keynote presentations, in printed publications, and on our church web site and social media.

  • Printed publications include church newsletters, brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
  • Online sharing includes church newsletters (online version), website, Facebook page and groups, Twitter, Google+ page, Instagram and Video/YouTube channel.


While it is impossible to regulate the use of all digital images, photography and video/audio recordings around the activities of the Church community, this policy is to provide guidelines for the safe and proper use of these media by the leaders at Portland Christian Center.

As such we are concerned in particular for the protection of children and the vulnerable members of our community and to ensure, as far as we are able, the privacy of members of the congregation,

all the while also enabling the use of digital images, photography and audio recordings as a powerful and desirable medium to share the story and life of our church community with members, newcomers, and the general public.

General group or crowd photographs: Portland Christian Center reserves the right to take photographs or video recordings at worship services or any other church-related activities in which individuals are not prominently featured and no identifying information is presented, and to use any of these photos or recordings for fellowship or promotional purposes in media such as, but not limited to, brochures and flyers, the church website, and online photo galleries, without seeking or requiring the consent of each person represented.

  • In addition to any event or gathering taking place on church property, church-related activities also include gatherings at other locations such as parks, sporting events, mission sites, etc. 

Any individual who objects to potentially being photographed as part of a Portland Christian Center activity should notify a member of the pastoral staff, an usher or event coordinator, or the church photographer immediately upon arrival. All public worship or community-life events are eligible to be recorded through digital images, photography and video/audio recordings.

  • We will not knowingly post anything that would be embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to anyone in a photo or video.
  • To ensure the privacy of children and adults, the use of full names or personal identifying information requires verbal approval for adults and written approval for children from the parent or legal guardian.
  • If copyright for a photo or video is held by someone other than Portland Christian Center, we will receive permission to post it and gladly provide credit if desired by the photographer.

Photographing minors:  When children under the age of 18 are photographed (except as part of a general group or crowd photo as outlined above), the consent of at least one parent will be obtained before their photo will be used in any way.  In addition, the following guidelines will be enforced:

  • Under no circumstances will any identifying information (first or last name, family members, email addresses, school names, etc.) of anyone under 18 years of age be included in or associated with any photographs or videos displayed, posted or published in any way.
  • All registration forms for events, activities, or programs, such as Sunday school, youth group, VBS, etc. will contain a reference to this policy, a permission request to allow the participant to be photographed in accordance with the policy, and a clear method to allow the signing parent or guardian to “opt-out” of inclusion in any photographs or video recordings.  Note that opting-out via an activity sign-up form will apply only to that activity, not as a “blanket” request (see “Opting-out” below).  For annual programs, a new photography release form will be requested every year.
  • Any event-related photos including minors must have already occurred.  For example, a photo of a prior-year camping trip could be posted or published, while a photo of youth who are signed up for a future camping trip could not.
  • Opting-out:  Parents/guardians who do not wish for their child’s photo or video to be potentially posted online or otherwise displayed, regardless of the context, should send a written note or email to the church office and Portland Christian Center will make every effort to exclude the indicated minor from any individual or small group photography.  Please note that children may still be included in general group or crowd photos without identifying information; however, you may always request that any photo be removed from display.
  • It is important to note that Portland Christian Center cannot be held responsible for digital images, photography and video/audio recordings taken by individual members of the church or visitors for example families at Baptisms, youth group members taking pictures with their friends, or parents photographing their children during performances or special events. We can only encourage responsible practice.

Requesting removal of a photograph or video:  Any individual who appears in a photo/video (or whose minor children appear in a photo/video) that has been posted online may request that it be removed for any reason, even if prior permission had been granted, by sending a written note or email to the church office.  Please indicate the person or persons involved and the photo or video in question, and it will be promptly removed from the website or other display where it is found. 

Change notice:  Portland Christian Center may change the content of this policy without notice, and it is recommended to review this and other church policies periodically.  Current copies of this policy may be obtained at the church office or online at


Portland Christian Center will make a good faith effort to notify event attendees through all possible channels in advance of our events that the event will be photographed or video/audio recorded. We will communicate this through:

  • Posting our media policy on our website.
  • Sharing announcements before services on a regular basis, especially at special events.
  • Posting a paragraph in our weekly bulletin.
  • Posting flyers at entrances to the Church for special events.
  • Moderating photos posted on our Website and Facebook page.

There may be particular circumstances or events where church leadership does not allow digital images, photography and audio recordings for reasons of confidentiality, pastoral sensitivity, copyright laws, and/or production excellence. An example of this would be altar services or private prayer times during our services/activities or Portland Christmas Celebration. Any change to this practice requires clear notification displayed in writing and given verbally with a description of how the material will be used.


  • The church will appoint a member of our staff as ‘Photography Coordinator’ who will recruit and maintain a list of photographers for church events. This list will include all members of our staff, board and appointed photographers. Police checks will be required.
  • Photographers from this list will be recruited on a rotating basis for events. They will be provided with a job description and nametag identifying them as a church photographer.
  • Portland Christian Center will post notice of any event that is going to be photographed/recorded. This may include announcements in the bulletin, printed notices on the door, on the webpage, flyers, on the Facebook page, or verbal announcements.
  • If the event involves minors, photo permission from parents must be obtained.
  • The church photographer may use their own or the church’s camera.
  • All photographs will be taken in a public space.
  • Photographs should be submitted to the Church Office within one week in digital form.
  • The photographer must delete all the digital images, photography and audio recordings from their camera and digital equipment and may not keep copies in any form. Pictures are the property of Portland Christian Center and may not be retained or used by the photographer in any way (including blogs, Facebook pages, personal albums).
  • Photographers work within the safe-church policies as stated by our security committee at Portland Christian.
  • Photographers must not interfere with the program, service or activity they are photographing (i.e., be unobtrusive, know when it is appropriate or inappropriate to take a picture, be sensitive to the moment and respect the dignity of those participating).


  • Photographs of church events will be used for the promotion and celebration of the Portland Christian Center Community at the discretion of the staff team or corporation.
  • All photographs intentioned for public display will be checked against records of those who have requested their photo not be used, before being displayed.
  • Only photographs taken by a designated church photographer(s) will be used for publicity.
  • Digital images and photographs taken by Portland Christian Center photographers will not be shared with partnering organizations and are the property of Portland Christian Center.


Some persons may choose not to have their photos, or photos of their children, used and we respect their wishes. Therefore, we provide a Media Opt-Out form for individuals or families who prefer NOT to have photographs of themselves used by the church. If you have no objection to the use of your photos, you do not need to sign or return this form. Copies of this form are available in the church office and online.


We ask for your respect in return. Unless otherwise indicated, photographs and videos are the property of and are copyrighted by Portland Christian Center and may not be used for any purpose (including but not limited to: downloading, printing, distributing, linking) without permission from Portland Christian Center.

We grant permission for limited sharing of our media and content. You may share YouTube Videos, website articles and Facebook stories on social media. You may link to our posted content but may not download and share content on a personal web page without permission. Please add attribution to Portland Christian Center for any media you share with permission.

Please call 503-245-7735 or write to us at 5700 SW Dosch Rd. Portland, Oregon if you have any questions or concerns about our Digital / Audio / Photography Policy. You can also send e-mail to

Thank you.


We ask that you fill out individual forms for each adult in your household.  One form will suffice for all of the children in the household.  Click the links below to fill out the forms.