Mark 13

Mark 13

Just like the disciples in Jesus’ day, people are wondering these days if we are in the end times. The truth is, this present age is accelerating toward a predicted finish, which is causing a lot of shaking and sifting. As Jesus unveils these signs that will precede his return – signs that read like […]

Mark 13

Mark 12:28-34

Jesus said the perfect fulfillment of the entire law of God is summed up in the Great Commandment: fulling loving God and fully loving our neighbor. Sounds easy enough, but who is that neighbor we are supposed to love? What does that love look like? And how can we love them so they know unmistakably […]

Mark 13

Mark 10:32-52

Everybody wants to be great. You do, I do, we all do. That’s a normal desire. No kid ever says, “When I grow up, I wanna be a loser.” Since God our Father is great, and since we have his DNA, we have a genetic passion to be like him: to achieve greatness in life. […]

Mark 13

Mark 10:17-31

Money can’t buy happiness! Yet we still live in the gravitational pull of materialism, greed, lust for more. Riches are like a drug: we get strung out on it; yet we still crave more. And the more we get, the more enslaved and less satisfied we become. So here’s the question: What possesses you? If […]

American Politics & Christian Duty

American Politics & Christian Duty

If Jesus were in the United States today, would he be politically active or wash his hands entirely of politics? Would Jesus vote Republican or Democrat, for Biden or Trump, or would he resurrect Reagan or Roosevelt? In a heated political season, how can Christians engage in politics yet still exhibit Christ’s love? In today’s […]