PT. 11 Romans 11

PT. 11 Romans 11

Today, in chapter 11 of Romans, the Apostle Paul reminds us that the world ought to see the power of the gospel at work in all those who believe so vividly and convincingly, that they want what we have. Paul describes attaching ourselves so closely to Jesus that we draw our very life from Him […]

Pt. 10 Romans 10

In chapter 10 of Romans, the Apostle Paul reminds us that evangelism is a vital part of our call. He asks the compelling series of questions: How can they call on Him unless they believe in Him? How will they believe unless they have heard? How can they hear unless someone tells them? Our purpose […]

PT. 11 Romans 11

PT. 9 Romans 9

Pastors Nate reveals that in Romans 9 God is sovereign. This means that He is a supreme ruler, He is in control, and He has a plan. The difficult part for Christians can be to trust His plan when things don’t make sense, when we experience pain, evil, and disappointment. Paul reminds us in 1 […]



At Portland Christian Center we are passionate about loving God, presenting hope with the Gospel, and developing people to be bold followers of Jesus. It’s with this in mind as we look back over some of the things that we wanted to accomplish this year and then look forward to how we are going to complete […]

PT. 11 Romans 11

PT. 7 Romans 7

Today, Pastor Nate taught us that in Romans 7, the law was given to diagnose the problem of sin in our lives, but it is not the solution. This reveals a big problem in our culture. We love knowledge and we think if we just know enough we will be right with God. However, that […]