Mark 16
He is risen! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the most important event in all of history. Join us as we conclude our series in the Gospel of Mark to celebrate His resurrection and prepare for our mission.
He is risen! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is undoubtedly the most important event in all of history. Join us as we conclude our series in the Gospel of Mark to celebrate His resurrection and prepare for our mission.
It is appropriate as we begin Thanksgiving week, that we come to Mark 15 — the crucifixion of Jesus. There is so much for which to be grateful, but none is greater than that Jesus, who knew no sin, would become the sin offering in our place. But when we consider the suffering and humiliation […]
Of all Simon Peter’s well documented public failures, especially painful was his denial of Jesus. Each gospel writer recorded it in exacting detail, to be read over and again throughout the ages as a cautionary tale: don’t be like Peter. But thankfully, the story doesn’t end with his fireside failure. After the resurrection, we get […]
Just like the disciples in Jesus’ day, people are wondering these days if we are in the end times. The truth is, this present age is accelerating toward a predicted finish, which is causing a lot of shaking and sifting. As Jesus unveils these signs that will precede his return – signs that read like […]
Jesus said the perfect fulfillment of the entire law of God is summed up in the Great Commandment: fulling loving God and fully loving our neighbor. Sounds easy enough, but who is that neighbor we are supposed to love? What does that love look like? And how can we love them so they know unmistakably […]