Mark 10:1-16

Mark 10:1-16

How does God feel about my marriage? How does God feel about my misplaced priorities? How does God feel about the things I care about? Today, we return to our series in The Gospel of Mark. Starting with Mark chapter 10, Pastor Ray will share five enduring truths about marriage found in these verses.

Cultivate Self-Control

Cultivate Self-Control

The Apostle Paul’s listing of the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit ends with self-control. That was neither random nor accidental on his part. You see, a believer has to master self-control to gain mastery in all the fruit. You cannot be loving, have a joyful heart, be a peacemaker, etc., without exerting the fruit of […]

Cultivate Kindness

Cultivate Kindness

The fifth of the nine-fold Fruit of the Spirit is kindness. Interestingly, in the early centuries of the church, Christianity was often called “the kind religion” since the Greek words for kindness and Christ were just one letter different. Christians were called the “kind ones.” And in fact, that was true! The kindness of the […]

Cultivate Self-Control

Cultivate Patience

Patience is the most difficult of the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit to cultivate. Nevertheless, since God saw fit to have it listed among these spiritual virtues, obviously he expects us to master it. Why is our patience so important to God? Because God’s main concern is the development of our character, not our personal […]